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22 noviembre 2015


 Mistheria & Alberto Rigoni
The VIVALDI METAL PROJECT is an all-star metal project conceived and created by keyboardist, arranger, composer and producer maestro Mistheria (Bruce Dickinson, Rob Rock, Roy Z, etc.) together with bassist, composer and co-producer Alberto Rigoni.
The aim of the project is to arrange and perform a metal version of Antonio Vivaldi's legendary Baroque masterwork “THE FOUR SEASONS”.
The duo already has started to work on this project in late 2013 together with a staff of  arrangers (D. Docker main lyricist as well, F. Dall'O', F. Caruso, F. Lui, Gabriels, K. Kumagai, M. Mierzejewski, N. Waldo, P. Penksa, T. Varnagiris, Y. Androulakakis, Z. Koev) and since then gathered more than 70 musicians from over the world plus the ''Sinfonietta Consonus Orchestra'' and the ''Academic Choir Manolov' to take part in this mammoth project.
The recordings will soon be completed and the release is planned for late May 2016. More news on this will follow.
The cast includes performances by Rick Wakeman (YES), Mark Boals (Malmsteen / Ring of Fire), Edu Falaschi (Angra / Almah), Michael Lepond (SymphonyX), Fabio Lione (Rhapsody of Fire / Angra), Rob Rock (Impellitteri), Dani Loeble (Helloween), John Macaluso (ARK), Marco Sfogli (J. LaBrie), Andreas Passmark (Royal Hunt), Chris Caffery (Trans Siberian Orchestra / Savatage), Steve Di Giorgio (Testament), Atma Anur (T. MacAlpine, G. Howe), Tommy Denander (Radioactive / Toto), Mark Cross (Scorpions / Firewind), Sean Tibbetts (Kamelot), Mark Wood (Trans Siberian Orchestra), Roger Staffelbach (Artension), Anna Portalupi (Tarja Turunen), Milan Polak, Victor Smolski (Almanac) and many more.
Mistheria says: “It has been a big challenge for the project creators and for all the participants to re-arrange and to perform this classic masterpiece beloved by millions people all over the globe in the vein of metal music power. It took about 1.5 years to form a cast of top rock and metal singers and instrumentalists. And finally recordings now have been almost completed after a full year of working on arrangements by a strong international arrangers’ team from several countries.

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